Desperate for Impact

I love people who break through the assumptions they have constructed and discover new ways of seeing themselves and their world.

I have a great conversation around the future of work with Kim Seeling Smith, a motivational speaker and consultant on the future of work, leadership and culture. master storyteller, trend translator and author.

“The Future of Work is Now”, she said to me. It is contextual. If we look at the risks, we see a labor and skills shortage. We see a mental health issue. It is a search for meaning and purpose. It is a work from home dynamic. We are talking about work life balance and a search for agency in what we choose to do when we do it.

And we have a trust issue with ourselves and others touching our community and businesses.

Kim challenges us with an incredible notion: we are products of the very optimization that has fueled our economy, generated supposed comfort, and toys. And the introduction of technology created a need to manage machines and the machine that used them….us. We became “human resources” managing machines.

Enjoy this often disturbing and ultimately hopeful view of what the problem is and our opportunity to meet the need… if we only see ourselves, our systems, and our tools more clearly.

Are you ready to impact others and your world?